Discover How To Get Rid of Eye Bags Via a Non Surgical Face Lift

By Cecil Kelly

Do you have eye bags that almost literally weigh down your eye area? If you do then this article just might be the eye opener that you need.

You don't need to blow big bucks for blepharoplasty or surgical eye bag removal. Neither should you suffer the pain and side effects of Botox. All you need is the diligence to stick to a facial exercise regime and discipline to gain positive lifestyle habits to reduce the appearance of bags under eyes.

The regular practice of facial exercises will result in a non surgical face lift. Avail of a well-designed facial exercise program with exercises that can help treat eye bag. Why go for surgery and Botox when a face exercise program is much cheaper and more reliable in giving you results?

But don't expect your under eye bags to disappear through the mere performance of facial exercises. You also need to do some detective work to uncover all the causes that led to the formation of your eye bags in order to reduce their appearance.

Do you have a sodium addiction? Do you stay up late pretty often? Do you love caffeinated drinks such as coffee, soft drinks, black tea and choco drinks? Do you drink no more than six glasses of H2O each day? Do you smoke regularly? Do you like to drink often?

If 'yes' is your answer to the majority of these questions then you are greatly to blame for your eye bags. Maybe you are the only who is mostly at fault, but bear in mind that there is still a lot of improvement for your eye bags.

What you need is to adopt healthy lifestyle changes to get rid of your deleterious lifestyle choices. Avoid eating salty food. Hit the sack on time. Replace caffeine-loaded drinks with fresh vegetable juices and fruit smoothies. Drink enough water daily. Nix the nicotine. Give up alcohol.

Tell yourself that you don't need to go to the surgeon's or aesthetician's clinic for eye bags reduction. By consuming healthy foods, performing face exercises daily and sleeping for seven to eight hours, a surgery-free face lift shall take place in about one month or less. - 30246

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How To Use HGH For Anti-Aging

By Brad Bahr

Anti aging is such a popular topic today. As you age, you're probably very concerned about how you feel and look. Most everyone over the age of 35 would probably like to find a product that can make them look and feel younger. This is important to most of us.

Well there is such a product. It's called human growth hormone. It's also commonly known as HGH.

It's proven by science that boosting the levels of HGH in our bodies can cause us to look and feel many years younger than we really are. Before now, Boosting HGH levels was a costly procedure, costing $10,000 or more per year. This is most likely out of the price range of most of us.

Thankfully, there is now a better way to increase your HGH levels. There are now natural supplements available that contain blends of amino acids and peptides that will cause your HGH levels to rise. These supplements do not contain HGH, they cause your body to produce more of it.

Here are just some of the many ways that boosting your HGH levels can help you.

Your Skin: Boosting HGH levels can improve the texture of your skin. It's a known wrinkle reducer and can remove the fine lines on your face. It can make your skin smoother and younger looking.

Fingernails and Hair: Boosted HGH levels can improve the appearance of your nails and make them less brittle. HGH can also turn your hair darker and give it a nice healthy shine.

Losing Weight: Boosted HGH levels can increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight. Higher HGH levels can help you burn fat too.

Increase Energy: Raising your HGH levels can have a dramatic effect on your energy levels. You'll have all the energy you need to handle the fast paced lifestyle of today.

Improved Memory: Boosted HGH levels can cause your mind to be sharper and your memory to be better.

Boosted Immunity: High HGH levels can boost your immune system so you don't catch every bug that comes along. Wouldn't it be nice to have less colds and flu each year?

If you'd like to look and feel many years younger than you are, try boosting your HGH levels. It's worked for thousands of others. It can work for you too. - 30246

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Great Skin Care Is About Restoring Skin Proteins, And Cynergy TK Can Help Do That.

By Peter Geraldson

As your skin ages it begins to lose some essential components, all of which helped your skin stay supple and firm when you were young. But as you age your skin starts to lose skin elasticity, and it was elasticity that helped keep your skin supple and firm. The result is that, with age, your skin starts to sag and starts to form wrinkles. Elastin, collagen and keratin are 3 important skin proteins, all of which contribute to skin elasticity.

Keratin is a very strong fibre that is found in our skin, as well in that of some animals, and is also found in a range of other parts of our body, such as hair and nails. Keratin in the outermost layer of the epidermis and is what makes our skin tough and also contributes to its waterproof qualities. It's almost like a natural plastic. Keratin actually refers to a family of proteins rather than only one.

The outermost layer of the skin is primarily composed of dead cells containing keratin which also help protect it. And if we can increase the amount of keratin in our skin this helps it produce new cells. As we age our skin slowly decreases its ability to produce new cells.

For this reason you'll find keratin in many anti aging skin care products. But the keratin found in these products is extracted from the horns and hooves and feathers of birds and animals using a combination of acid and heat and this renders the keratin ineffective for use in the skin. However there is a new product available that helps changed this, called Cynergy TK.

Cynergy TK isn't really a product. Strictly speaking it is an ingredient found in skin care products, but only in the best skin care products. It is made in New Zealand by a small company which has patented it. Studies on the effects of using skin care products with Cynergy TK have shown very impressive results.

The keratin found in Cynergy TK is extracted from the wool of sheep without the use of heat or acid and this produces a form which is almost identical to that found in the human skin, and studies have shown, in particular because of zinc protein complexes contained in it, that it is particularly effective at stimulating the production of new cells as well as helping the skin repair itself. By increasing the role of keratin in the skin this increases skin elasticity and also moisture retention which is equally important to skin health.

As well this form of keratin helps the skin produce more collagen and elastin which in turn also increases skin elasticity.

The result is an improvement in skin health, elasticity and moisture, all of which contribute to better skin health and less wrinkles. Studies have shown a-- percent improvement in skin moisture after' days of use as well as an improvement in skin elasticity of 42 percent over the same time.

As we age our skin slowly loses its ability to maintain its own health, and this leads to wrinkles, sagging and lines. Ingredients such as Cynergy TK in the best skin care products help restore the levels of important skin proteins and this allows the skin to start restoring optimum health, and restoring health to the skin is the best way to combat ageing.

To find out more about Cynergy TK visit my website. - 30246

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Stop The Embarrassment Of Hair Loss

By Andrew Barnes

Losing your hair is no fun and it can be very embarrassing. How many times have you been called chrome dome? Of course everybody else is laughing but inside you are burning up. This has to stop.

The market has all kinds of products and procedures that are advertised as a way to help you grow hair. Some of the work well and some are just a waste of money. It seems that in hair loss treatments, what works for one person may not work well for the next. Therefore, you really need to try some things out and see what works for you.

The following are three hair loss treatments worth looking into. All three of them have shown relief for some people. The best thing for you to do is try them yourself and see what happens.

The first I am going to talk about is a natural hair supplement. The Saw Palmetto extract has been used for years in the Southern US. Originally utilized by the Native Americas to treat male urinary problems, it seems to affect hair loss the same way the FDA approved drug Finasteride does. Both lower the amount of DHT in the blood stream.

The second hair loss method is actually hair implant surgery. This procedure involves taking hair follicle units from an area of the scalp with good hair growth and placing them into the bald area. Men generally do not lose there hair at the back of the head so this works as a great donor area. Originally these were called hair plugs because of how they looked but new techniques have allowed for a very natural looking result now.

There are really two distinct hair implantation methods. The first, the standard, method starts by removing a strip of skin that contains the hair follicles. The hair units are then each removed from this strip of scalp and readied for placement. The surgeon will then very carefully insert the hairs into the scalp so they match the direction and orientation of the existing growth around the bald spot.

The second hair implantation method is known as follicular unit extraction. With this process a surgeon uses a specially designed medical device to actually remove individual hair follicles directly form the skin. The cosmetic doctor will then transplant them into the bald area. The beauty of this method is that hair from other parts of the body can also be utilized.

The last method involves a medical device known as the laser comb. The laser comb, or laser brush, is comprised of a series of low level lasers. According to its users the low level light therapy stimulates hair growth in the scalp. The US FDA has stated the device will cause no harm but they are waiting for research results before they certify its efficacy. Users of the device, on the other hand, swear by its use.

These are just three of the hundreds of hair loss remedies and treatments available. You don't have to put up with the jokes and snickers any more. Do more research on products and find out what works for you today. You owe it to yourself. - 30246

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Why Do Sheep, Seaweed And Skin Care Go Together?

By Peter Albertonach

You'd be forgiven for thinking that modern cutting edge technology would be producing high-tech ingredients at the cutting edge of skin care science to produce high-quality and more effective antiaging products. However the reality is that the reverse is the case and there are many ingredients which have been known for centuries to be good for your skin which are, or should be, found in the best skin care products to produce the optimum health for your skin. Seaweed and sheeps wool are 2 examples.

But what in the world could seaweed, sheeps wool and skin care have in common? In fact there has been a seaweed skin care link for many hundreds of years, because for all of this time Japanese women have known about the benefits of seaweed for good skin care.

Phytessence Wakame is a particular type of seaweed found around Japan and which has been a huge part of the Japanese diet for centuries. And it is also well-known that Japanese women have very good skin health right into old age, and this is no coincidence. The Japanese have known about the seaweed skin care link for hundreds of years.

And they have always prized Phytessence Wakame for it's skin care properties.

Modern science has now discovered seaweed and anti aging go together and the result is a wide range of seaweed skin care products. The reasons Wakame is so good for your skin have to do with the actions of a particular enzyme. It's called hyaluronidase and it gradually breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin.

Collagen and elastin are important skin proteins which have a role in maintaining skin elasticity, and it is elasticity which is responsible for maintaining that strength and suppleness that keeps wrinkles and sagging at bay. So you don't want hyaluronidase breaking down any of your collagen and elastin.

Science has found that there are some important components of Phytessence Wakame that help inhibit the actions of this enzyme and this improves the levels of collagen and elastin in your skin can in turn lead to better skin elasticity and less wrinkles.

But what do sheep have to do with skin care? The best science has now discovered a seaweed skin care link, but what do sheep have to do with that?

It's about collagen and elastin again. Science has also discovered that there are some important ingredients in sheeps wool which, when applied to the skin, help stimulate the skin to produce more collagen and elastin all by itself. These components of sheeps wool have now been formulated into a patented product called Cynergy TK that is found in the worlds highest quality skin care products. It also helps increase levels of collagen and elastin in your skin to help keep those wrinkles away.

So cutting-edge science has discovered why age-old ingredients like seaweed extract and sheeps wool can help produce optimum skin health and the result is some excellent seaweed skin care products which use extracts of Phytessence Wakame and Cynergy TK.

You can find out more about seaweed skin care products with Cynergy TK on my website. - 30246

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Resveratrol - The Secret Ingredient in the Fountain of Youth

By Dan Smith

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Fight Toxins, Fight Aging

Your body's organs are under constant attack by toxins referred to as oxidants. Oxidants and the endless war against them engenders wrinkles on the surface of your skin, while beneath that surface organ damage and even cancer are products of these toxic invaders. There are, however, naturally occurring substances-antioxidants-that can and will preserve the body's cells, organs, and organ systems, especially the nervous system. Furthermore, these antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body, both inside and out.

Resveratrol and Sirtuins

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Still, this is only the tip of the iceberg! Studies concerning resveratrol are still in their infancy, and GlaxoSmithKline has already invested almost a billion dollars to further our knowledge of this seemingly miraculous antioxidant.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Did you know about resveratrol before you began reading this article? Did you know that you may have already consumed some today? It's true! Used consistently for years and years in Asia as a remedy for a multitude of ailments, "ko-jo-kon," as resveratrol began to be called in'62, is found in Japanese Knotwood. This Knotwood is so vivacious that it has not only crossed the Pacific, but is known in many parts of the United States as a weed that has the ability to kill and overrun other plants quite quickly. Its capacity to do this is directly correlated to the vast quantities of resveratrol that Knotwood has within itself. In fact, Knotwood contains large enough amounts of resveratrol to be grown for profit by companies that have begun manufacturing resveratrol supplements. Other people simply use it rather than rhubarb in numerous tasty recipes.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

In'92, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement! - 30246

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The Truth About Type 2 Diabetes Cure

By Andy Rowde

Are you searching for a type 2 diabetes cure information? Are you diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Find out the truth about type 2 diabetes cure.

What Type 2 Diabetes Is

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is considered to be more critical because people with this ailment do not produce enough insulin to regulate glucose levels. It is believed that genetic factors may play a big role in the development of type 1 diabetes. Type 2 on the other hand is characterized by insulin resistance. A type 2 diabetic's pancreas may be fully functional but the body's cells are resistant to the influence of insulin and do not take in as much glucose for cell energy production.

Most Americans with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Although it is as devastating as type 1, it can be easier to manage especially when detected early because it does not involve a defective pancreas.

The Type 2 Diabetes Cure

Up to the present, science has not yet come up with a type 2 diabetes cure. Even insulin shots in severe type 2 cases are not considered a cure because an individual would still have to rely on external sources of the hormone to regulate glucose. Some researchers are now currently exploring the possibility of pancreas transplants for type 1 sufferers which may also work for severe type 2 patients. Even transplant research however has not yielded a suitable type 2 diabetes cure. Transplants could be rejected by the host's cells or still end up failing to supply insulin.

Most individuals who hope for a type 2 diabetes cure simply have to be contented with prevention and treatment. With proper treatment, individuals can lead lives that are close to normal even without a type 2 diabetes cure.

Risk Factors

Getting treated early is the first step to stopping the full blown development of diabetes. In many ways, this is already similar to a type 2 diabetes cure. Treatment however relies on recognizing the symptoms early. Millions of Americans however do not show any diabetic symptoms until complications that affect the heart, eyes and skin have developed. One way to detect diabetes without the symptoms is to look at the risk factors. A family history of diabetes is most certainly a sign that you should watch over your blood glucose level or at least have it checked regularly. You should also be worried if you are heavier than the ideal weight for your age and height.


Prevention is the closest thing you can ever get to a type 2 diabetes cure. Not much can be done if you are genetically predisposed to diabetes. Genetically inherited diabetes can simply be regulated through diet, exercise and medication. A lot can be done however if you have diabetes because of your weight and your lifestyle.

There is some research evidence that proves that people can either prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Prevention lies mainly in strictly maintaining a planned diet and exercise program. Ask your doctor to teach you how to count your carbohydrates and come up with planned meals to keep your blood sugar level constant. - 30246

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Finding Anti Wrinkle Cream Products That Really Work

By Ellen Jones

If you can't stand the sight of wrinkles, you aren't alone. I don't think anyone on Earth does like having them. So, it's great that there are so many treatments out there, like anti wrinkle cream products. Why should you choose one and how should you go about doing so, though?

An Alternative Treatment Method:

One of the many ways to treat wrinkles, other than with a cream product, is with collagen injections. Using collagen to sort of inflate the skin is appealing to some. It can be costly and risky, though. Not to mention that some people just don't like the thought of being poked by needles.

At Home Creams:

There are plenty of home remedies for wrinkles. The most popular of them are face masks and creams. That makes sense, of course, because face wrinkles are the most embarrassing. After all, your face is the first thing people tend to notice about you.

Among all the home remedies, oatmeal masks are pretty popular. Baking soda, though, takes the cake. It's wonderful as an exfoliant for your skin. It cleans your skin thoroughly, removing blackheads and dirt. That allows your skin to look both healthier and younger.

Home remedies for wrinkles can be good. When they aren't good enough, though, you may need to resort to stronger measures. That's why it can be good to research commercial creams, such as LifeCell. There are plenty of similar products around. So, it should be relatively easy to find a good one.

Finding great anti wrinkle products isn't always easy. The trick is not to be afraid to ask for help. Make sure you trust the people giving the advice, though. So, for instance, ask your pharmacist, doctor or friends what they recommend. Then, you'll have some specific possibilities to work with.

The next step is to take that information and use it to research various products online. See what their pros and cons are and then, once you choose one, see where to buy it. You might be able to order it online for a cheaper price than at your local store. You just may have to browse a few different websites to find a deal on it.

One final tip is to drink plenty of water. Creams can't work miracles. In fact, in order to work at all, they need help from you. So, you need to help them along. Staying hydrated will keep your skin happier and healthier and help you to reduce your wrinkle problem. - 30246

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Choosing The Best Over The Counter Night Cream

By Tawanfa Farikan

Any woman that is interested in beauty products would like to be acquainted with the best over the counter night cream, because the creams are a fundamental part of the skin care. Several guidelines for selecting the best over the counter night cream would be useful to any person.

You need to be aware of the fact that it is not a good idea to buy your cream from a pharmacy. Try to use specialized stores instead. There are a couple of fundamental features that you should pay attention to when you select a night cream.

First, it should never contain bad ingredients scientifically proven to be harmful for the skin. You might be amazed to know that there are plenty of night creams that comprise such dangerous ingredients. A night cream as any other cosmetic product should contain natural compounds and to be scientifically proven effective for the health of your skin. Thus it will have the capacity of enhancing the texture and the smoothness of the skin in a whole natural way.

Always avoid that parabens are present into your night cream because they are chemical substances harmful for the skin, added there just for the sake of a long expire date. They may mean cancer to you even if for the producer is a great profit.

Perhaps you won't believe this thing, but the mineral oils are sometimes used in the cheap and under-standard creams. This thing happens because they represent a cheaper alternative. Mineral oils will make your skin feel moist, nourished for a little period of time, and after that will clog your pores and begin suffocates the skin. You skin would be thus unable to breathe and clear out the toxins.

The fragrances are also added in the night creams for the fresh smell. When you look at the harmful effects, maybe you will not desire for your best over the counter night cream to smell that good. - 30246

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All Natural Skin Care. What Does It Mean And Why Should You Care?

By Peter Albertonach

As we age our skin ages with us and gradually we all begin to notice this and our thoughts turn to skin care. I would like to examine the problems inherent in modern anti aging products and find out why you need to know more about all natural skin care products.

Anti aging products are meant to be good. They are meant to tackle the skin problems that we all notice with aging such as the fine lines, wrinkles, the skin sagging, the age spots and much more. Anti aging products are meant to be a positive for us not a negative.

But unfortunately for many people the use of anti aging products is not a positive but a negative. There are many people who suffer negative health and skin reactions to the use of anti aging products, including skin problems like eczema and allergies. I research these types of problems because I saw it happen to a member of my own family.

And the reason for this is simple, and it does not apply to all natural skin care products.

This is the reason. The big name brands of anti aging products that you see on the shelves every day contain many chemical ingredients, including petrochemicals, which are known to cause cancer as well as various forms of skin irritation and have other health implications.

This morning I was reading a study from the Journal of Investigative Dermatology which found that the risk of skin cancer in mice was increased by 69 percent when moisturisers containing sodium lauryl sulphate and mineral oil were applied to the skin of mice 5 times a day for 17 weeks. And the study also concluded, after testing, that when a moisturiser was used under the same conditions, where it did not contain mineral oil and sodium lauryl sulphate, there was no increased risk of skin cancer to the mice.

There are hundreds of studies, perhaps thousands of studies which have concluded that these chemical ingredients that are so common in modern anti aging products can cause health problems and skin problems. Some of these chemicals include parabens, fragrances, petroleum products, sodium lauryl sulphate and much more.

There are a wide range of well-known natural ingredients which are firmly established to be very beneficial to the health of your skin and which are perfectly safe to use in anti aging products such as all natural anti aging products. These ingredients are known to be safe and in many cases have been eaten by generations of people without negative health implications.

Of course these natural ingredients are available to all skin care companies to use but there is massive amounts of money at stake in the skin care industry and the big companies compete ferociously on price. The natural alternatives, whilst being safe and effective, are expensive whilst ingredients like mineral oil and sodium lauryl sulphate are very cheap. Therefore by using these ingredients skin care companies can compete on price while still allowing enough budget for television advertising.

But this opens an opportunity for some small niche skin care companies to take advantage of this by producing all natural skin care products that do use these ingredients and which can therefore produce high-quality products using safe ingredients that are very effective and which do not subject the user to health or skin problems.

If you choose wisely you really can find excellent natural skin care products that are extremely effective for all skin types and which will not create problems with allergies or skin irritation.

Notice that I said "if you choose wisely". You will find all natural skin care products which are called that on the label but which contain many of the chemical ingredients found in so many others. Because the government does not regulate either what is put into skin care products or what is claimed on the label anything goes.

If you choose the best all natural skin care products you'll find that they are very effective. The very best ones need to be effective because they come with a full 100 percent money back guarantee. Try getting that from the big brand names.

So if you're becoming concerned about the problems with mainstream anti aging skin care products and you can be confident in the knowledge that, if you choose wisely, you can find excellent all natural skin care products that really do produce optimum skin health without the chemical risks.

Visit my website to find out more. - 30246

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Use An All Natural Under Eye Wrinkle Cream

By Tawanfa Farikan

Want to get rid of those deep creases and wrinkles around and under your eyes? You have a lot of choices when it comes to under eye wrinkle cream, make sure you're using one that will help your skin heal and repair, naturally.

Nobody needs a medical degree to tell me that I shouldn't be putting toxic substances on or in my body. Why in the world would anyone want to put something on their skin that could literally kill you? It's beyond me. It's even scarier to think that any company would actually stand behind a product that would harm you, isn't it?

You need to look good to feel good, we girls all know that. If you're putting toxic sludge onto your face, you're not going to be in good shape, no matter how you look at it. Find out more about the ingredients in your under eye wrinkle cream before you apply it, ever again. What you find just may shock you and send that little container into the trash.

You'd never know better unless someone spoke up and told you what is going on. I guess for now, I'm going to be the one who is filling you in on some less than desirable things that go into the products you may already be using.

Also avoid anything with alcohol or parabens. You should look for products that really are all natural and contain collagen and elastin. These two ingredients help your skin in a completely natural way.

When you're looking for a good under eye wrinkle cream, make sure you use one that is truly natural. You can only hurt yourself when you use the above mention ingredients. Don't forget, you get what you pay for when it comes to skin care. - 30246

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All Natural Beauty Tips to Keep You Looking Younger

By Don Danielson

The word "natural" is probably one of the most abused words in the beauty industry these days. Many companies will throw it out there, but when you really look at their products, they are still putting out the same chemical based stuff that they have been for years. Believe it or not, there are real all natural beauty tips that will make you look better inside and out.

One of the most notable features that people will pick up on right away is your smile. Because many people do not take care of their teeth properly when they are younger, their smiles are discolored and they are ashamed to open their mouths and show off their teeth. All that is needed to fix this is some baking soda on the tooth brush each and every day. After about a month, there will be a dramatic difference.

One of the best all natural beauty tips that anyone can get is to take a look at their lifestyle. If they are out until all hours of the night drinking and smoking, they are bound to start losing their appearance. Even supermodels that do this will wake up one day looking as though they had a pretty rough upbringing.

The way to avoid this is by eliminating toxins from your body by drinking plenty of fluids each and every day. Water does wonders on keeping our bodies hydrated and flushed clean. There should also be exercise each and every day along with a balanced meal plan. All three of these together will do wonders for your health both inside and out.

Antioxidants are touted in health magazines everywhere you look, and for good reason. The plain truth of the matter is that they really are superfoods when it comes to our bodies health. It is time to get the junk out of your diet and fill it with foods that will help you and taste good instead of creating body fat that will be impossible to get rid of as you get older.

Being an all natural beauty means using all natural beauty products. Don't think that you have to spend a small fortune either, because there are plenty of things right in the home cupboard that will work wonders on the skin. Things like oatmeal, honey, coffee and yogurt are just as effective, if not more so than many of the products that cost hundreds of dollars.

When people want to look great inside and out, it is time to get rid of the garbage and to live a better life. Eating right, exercising and living an all around healthier lifestyle will do wonders to preserve that all natural beauty that everyone possesses. Sometimes it just takes a dose of reality to make people understand that. - 30246

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What Really Causes Acne? The Simple Truth...

By Julie M. Jackson

Having acne is terrible. Acne is so terrible that there are people that devote their entire lives to helping people treat it. It's a good thing there are people to help too, because acne is also terrible to look at. Not just for the person with the "pizza face" but for everyone that has to look at them!

The only thing that makes acne even worse is the fact that it's pretty much impossible to hide. There are many ailments out there that are unsightly, but acne tops the charts as the most annoying simply because there isn't a "quick fix" or easy method to just make it not so obvious.

Before you mistake this for a rant with no real meaning or purpose, let me get to the point.

Acne is no picnic, but it doesn't have to be the nightmare it can at times feel like. The secret to taking control of your skin problems is finding out the root cause of your breakouts and attacking the source. Trying to simply wash it away will leave you forever "treating" your blemishes and possibly never curing it once and for all.

You can heal your acne ridden skin, prevent future breakouts, and get rid of your scars. But first you need to change how you view the causes of the problem.

Every day more and more people are realizing what it is that's causing their acne. Sadly, blemishes never something that could be washed away in during your morning shower. The real root cause of the condition lies much deeper than the surface, and knowing that is key to maintaining acne free skin for life.

In truth, your acne breakouts are caused more by the things in your diet more than what's on your skin. Washing your face alone won't do the trick. You need a combination of good health and clean habits for your acne cure to do it's job. - 30246

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Compare Night Creams For Active Ingredients That Work

By Tawanfa Farikan

Everyone needs to use creams and good face products to maintain a healthy skin. Even men have special moisturizers nowadays. It is hard, though, to find a good cream that actually works, and does not just keep costing money. This is because many ingredients in creams are not good for you, and they actually cause more harm to your skin. This is why you need to compare night creams to find out which ones to avoid.

Avoid mineral oils: When you have creams you will find that most of them contain mineral oils. While this sounds like it does nothing, mineral oils are actually bad for your skin. If you look at the actual names of the mineral oils you will see paraffin wax, liquid paraffin and more. Now, why on earth would you want to use this on your skin? It suffocates your skin and causes more problems than good. Manufactures just use them because they are cheap.

Dioxane is dangerous: Dioxane is a synthetic version of coconut. It does not sound like much, but the concentrations used in night creams can actually lead to cancer. This concentration 1, 4 - dioxane has been linked to cancers as found by the state of California. It is readily absorbed into the skin, so make sure you compare night creams to find this ingredient.

Stay away from fragrances: While you might want your face cream to smell nice, it is actually not going to help your skin at all. Most fragrances in creams are perfumes that are chemicals. Used as a perfume as a small dab on the neck is fine, but you will be spreading this all over your face and neck. It will cause chaos with your skin's PH levels and can even lead to allergic reactions.

Don't use products containing Parabens: Many night creams contain parabens. These are toxic and are absorbed into the skin quite easily. So, why are they used? Well, they make your cream last longer. The ingredients to watch out for parabens that start with ethyl, butyl, propyl, methyl, and others. It has been found that some parabens cause cancer and some also cause allergic skin reactions.

Ingredients that are safe: If you want to make sure you get the best products you must compare night creams and look for the following: CoQ10, Cynergy K, Phytessence Wakame (Japanese kelp), and collagen. - 30246

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Get Back the Years with the Latest Antiaging Products and Treatments

By Alana Eriksen

I looked very young for my age for the longest time since I was blessed with good genes. This could be the reason why most younger men tried pursuing me after my divorce with my husband five years ago. I still maintan a firm and glowing skin at the age of 45 without using any strict skin antiaging regimen. This is also the reason why I was eventually compelled to agree to marry a man 15 years my junior. I have realized the many perks in a May-December affair even I do not consider myself a fan of Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins.

As I entered my 50s and have gone through menopause, the signs of skin aging starts to show up. Even if my husband still adores me and thinks that I am the most beautiful woman in San Diego, I still feel awkward lying beside him because my skin has started to sag and wrinkle almost everywhere. Although I am aware my skin woes can be remedied through plastic surgery, I fear the side effects of undergoing the knife. I feel that my insecurity is starting to hurt my relationship.

As I was looking for antiaging creams and other products for hours in the Net, I came across the, a blog site supplying information about fighting the signs of skin aging. I was overwhelmed as I found a website that informs me of everything I need to know about aging and keeps me up to date with product reviews and insights on the latest antiaging cream, lotion, and even supplement. It is here that I realize that fighting aging and wrinkles means caring not only for the skin but the whole body as well.

June Jacobs Green Tea Serum, which I use twice a day on my face, hand, and neck as well as June Jacobs Pore Purifying Toner were some of the products that appear to work well on me. I also apply Cover Blend finishing powder in hiding my imperfections. Thanks to AntiAgingOnline. net, I am learning something new about antiaging techniques and treatments every day.

Try it now. - 30246

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Find An Online Resource To Learn About Antiaging Supplements

By Clayton Birchard

According to my husband, I look beautiful; however, I know that it is only through the hard work I've put in. For years I visited the same local dermatologist. He supplied me with antiaging creams, antiaging drugs, and antiaging supplements. Methodically I would use his tools to make sure my skin looked fresh, young, and supple. I trusted my dermatologist's judgement. Expensive dermatology practices should offer top of the line products, and he always provided these products to me.

However, I thought my young looks were going to go out the window when my dermatologist relocated to another state. Jokingly, I told my dermatologist that in regards to the antiaging treatments he had been providing to me, I would now be sending him a check in the mail. I let him know that I would expect a shipment to arrive every couple of months that contained my antiaging skin care products. I had grown used to using one particular line of high-quality, premium anti aging drugs, anti aging creams, and anti aging supplements, and I wasn't aware of any other local place that carried that line.

For several months after he left the state, I did end up continuing to purchase antiaging products from my dermatologist. Like clockwork, every other month I would mail him a check along with a list of the antiaging products I needed. Usually the box of items would arrive from my dermatologist within a few weeks. Sometimes the shipment was late and I would be anxiously waiting for my beauty regimen products to arrive; I'd end up chewing my nails down to the quick.

Finally, after several months went by my old dermatologist called me to say that he wasn't going to send any more anti aging supplements, anti aging creams, or anti aging drugs. However, he let me know that he had a better solution for me. He advised me to go ahead and go online to visit the Anti Aging Online website. He told me that I could find all of my familiar antiaging skin care products on the website. He joked that when I purchased the products from Anti Aging Online's website, the shipping costs would most likely be more inexpensive. I thanked him profusely for the information, and set off to do my homework.

After I quickly went to go visit the website, and read the information it supplied, I became astounded. Not only does Anti Aging Online carry all of the premium, high-quality anti aging products I had been purchasing from my dermatologist, but the website is an amazing resource. The website offers a number of different articles about the anti aging supplements, anti aging creams, and anti aging drugs that they carry. These written reviews detail the products' ingredients, the quality, and even describe the customer's satisfaction level. I had the opportunity to research all of the antiaging product lines that I had been interested in over the years just by visiting the Anti Aging Online website. Instead of finding out that I didn't like a particular product or brand after I made a purchase, I could instead read through the articles and make a choice whether that product would meet my needs. - 30246

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Treatments For 7 Dry Skin Causes

By Peter Albertonach

Dry skin can be extremely annoying. What causes dry skin and what can you do about it? Here's 8 dry skin causes and suggested dry skin treatments.

There are a wide range of factors that can produce dry skin. Some are more rare than others.

You'd be surprised at how common dry skin conditions are, and how many people are searching for dry skin treatments. Some conditions are easy to treat, some not so easy.

And if you have dry skin were sure you know just how irritating it can be. Maybe your skin is all dull and flaky, red or even painful. And that itching.

Normally our skin has it's own protective layer of natural oils that the skin produces itself. But various causes can result in our skin losing it's natural oily protection and result in the symptoms I've previously mentioned known as dry skin.

So lets have a look at 8 dry skin causes. Some easy to treat, some not easy to treat.

1. Long hot baths. Now of course like most women you love that bath as hot as you can stand it and for as long as you have the time. But that bath is stripping away those natural skin oils. A shower is better, not for as long and not as hot.

2. Skin care products and cosmetics. You might find it hard to believe but many big name skin care products and cosmetics have ingredients in them that are not at all good for your skin. If this is news to you spend a little time on google researching dangerous skin care products and cosmetics.

There are many ingredients found in big name products that actually dry your skin. Mineral oil is an example. It is a petrochemical product used in skin care products because it is cheap and it actually dries and damages your skin.

Much better is to use high quality natural skin care products that won't damage your skin and will help you overcome your dry skin problems very successfully.

3. Exposure to the sun. Sunburn is very damaging to the skin. It dries it out and can cause skin cancer. Avoid sunburn like the plague.

4. Weather. Dry cold weather can dry your skin, so if you live in a place where you get very cold dry winters you may get dry skin in winter. More humid summers and it may go away. Use a high quality natural moisturizer or even better a fully formulated natural skin care range that is designed to combat skin dryness.

5. Soaps and detergents. Modern soaps and detergents can also do this. And shampoos. Many of these contain harmful ingredients as well, and should be avoided. Deodorizing and anti bacterial soaps should be avoided, you don't need them. Any soap that makes a huge lather and makes you feel squeaky clean isn't good. Try changing your soap, choose a natural soap, deodorant free and fragrance free, and keep changing till you find one friendly to your skin.

6. Psoriasis, medical conditions, and drugs. Many medical conditions, like psoriasis and eczema, can cause dry skin, and some drugs can too. For specific medical conditions consult your doctor.

7. Avoid itchy clothes, they too can cause skin dryness.

.There's 7 dry skin causes. But what dry skin treatments are there for this condition. As previously mentioned for medical conditions see a doctor or dermatologist. But in many cases you don't need to.

So remember, use natural soaps and shampoos, and keep trying them until you find one that suits your skin. And remember that any time you're buying something that goes on your skin look for a natural alternative with no nasty chemicals. Natural alternatives are often cheaper and safer. And keep showers shorter and cooler.

And consider using a range of natural skin care products. The best natural skin care products contain natural oils like avocado oil and Babassu oil from the nut of the Babassu tree, both excellent and perfectly safe natural moisturizers. These will do wonders for any dry skin conditions.

Surprising though it sounds, the very best natural skin care products, as well as working better and being safer than the big brand skin care products, and very cost competitive. That's because the company that makes them doesn't spend big on TV advertising then factor that into the price of the product.

There's 7 dry skin causes for you to consider. Combine some or all of the treatments I've mentioned here and you should be well on your way to relieving that dry skin that is so bedevilling you.

Find out more on my website. - 30246

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Are The Best Anti Aging Products Necessarily Safe?

By Peter Geraldson

If you're beginning to notice the irritating signs of skin ageing such as wrinkles and skin sagging then you might have spent a lot of your time searching for the very best anti aging products on the market.

Those captivating television ads and glossy magazine ads just seem so convincing that those anti aging creams must be great.

However for anyone searching for the best anti aging products there is a question to ask yourself before you decide whether or not those seductive skin care products work well. The question to ask is are those skin care products safe to use?

The reason is that there is a massive range of chemical ingredients that are found in in almost all of the big name skin care products you might even be using right now. Oof those ingredients is named Propylene Glycol and it's Propylene Glycol that I would like to tell you about today.

You may have some Propylene Glycol in your car right now because it's the principal component of antifreeze that goes in car radiators. The EPA suggests that people working with Propylene Glycol wear protective clothing including gloves and goggles to avoid it coming into contact with their skin.

And yet, according to the Cosmetic Safety Database, Propylene Glycol is found in 945 anti aging moisturizers, 1118 facial treatments and 690 general anti aging products as well as a wide range of other personal and bath products as well as cosmetics.

And you will also see that it is linked to cancer, allergies and immunotoxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity and skin irritation as well as other worrying health conditions.

Whether the glossy advertising tells you they're the best anti aging products in the world you should be avoiding it if it has Propylene Glycol as an ingredient, and that applies also to a wide range of other chemical ingredients found in so many skin care products.

There is no requirement for the FDA to test to see whether ingredients used in anti ageing products are safe for people to put on their skin. So the manufacturers use these ingredients because they can, and because they're cheap.

So if you're a woman noticing those first signs and symptoms of ageing skin what do you do? Do you avoid all anti ageing products and skin care products and just accept the fact of wrinkles? No.

The well-known big name skin care lines may be contaminated with chemical ingredients but there is still very small niche anti aging companies seeking to produce the highest quality anti aging products that use safe ingredients.

One of these companies in particular makes extremely high quality products. They use natural ingredients all known to be safe and which are also known to have excellent skin care properties but these natural ingredients are very very expensive.

So it would be fair to assume that the anti aging products made by this company must also be very expensive, but in fact they're not. That's because this company chooses not to spend lots of money on television or magazine advertising and so does not need to factor advertising and marketing into the price of the products, and this is invariably the major cost of any line of skin care products. Therefore their anti aging products are in fact very price competitive.

The good news is that the best anti aging products are made by a company you've probably never heard of. But when you do you'll be amazed at how good (and how safe) these products are.

Visit my website to find out who makes the best anti aging products on the market. - 30246

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Organic Night Anti Aging Cream.

By Tawanfa Farikan

Many woman who want to look after their skin want a reliable cream that is not going to harm them in any way. As there is a very wide variety of creams available to choose from, some women can get confused as to what cream is right for them. Many creams have ingredients that are not at all clear, that is why it is better to use organic night anti-aging creams, here's why.

Organic creams do not have a wide variety of chemicals in them that can harm your skin in the future or cause an allergic reaction soon after you apply the cream. These chemicals can include alcohol, perfumes and other substitutes of organic materials, that can not only be irritable but also cause some people to suffer from skin diseases.

Organic creams are made from natural ingredients and oils that nourish your skin whilst working on keeping your skin young and healthy. As with other creams, there are many different types of organic creams to choose from and, as with everything else, you have to find the best one for your needs and your skin.

But be careful, some creams say that they are organic but they may not be made of 100% ingredients. Try to see if you can understand every word that is written on the ingredients tab, if it looks more like a shopping list than it does a science test, then your on the right path to buying a natural product. I personally don't want to spread my skin with a substance that I wouldn't eat, would you?

Organic creams are highly recommended because they are so good for your skin. Think about how healthy you feel if you eat healthy food, so it's logical for your skin to feel healthy if you apply nourishing ingredients on it. Almond creams, natural honeys, tropical fruits and creamy vegetables that organic creams have give your skin all of the ingredients that it needs.

So for a young, glowing, radiant and very natural looking skin, don't go covering it in a whole laboratory worth of chemicals, cover it in a whole rainforest worth of fruits instead. Feel natural, feel beautiful and, most importantly, feel healthy. - 30246

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Resveratrol Supplements That Work! Find Out What Separate The Good from the Bad.

By Franklin Spivey

Resveratrol is quickly gained much attention as an health enhancing compound. Primarily known as a component in the seeds and skin of grapes, resveratrol is thought to
help human health in a number of different ways. Most of the studies to date however, have not been performed on humans but "in-vitro" on human cells and other
organisms. After a quick search on the internet however, you would think that resveratrol was a virtual panacea. A resveratrol review website I recently viewed
offered a "free trial" of their resveratrol products and claimed the following benefits:

* Slows aging
* Extends life
* Supports the heart
* Lost weight fast
* Strengthen your immune system

No in-vivo studies to date have confirmed any of these results. Lab studies on yeast cells and fruit flies have shown increased longevity. A famous study involving rats a few years ago indicated that resveratrol allowed rats to eat excessively without adding weight. Other "in-vitro" studies in a lab environment have shown various potential benefits from athletic endurance, blood sugar regulation and heart health. Only a handful of studies have been completed on humans. More are ongoing.

Nevertheless, many are choosing to supplement with resveratrol. After doing plenty of research on my own, including reading through many study abstracts on, I believe the benefits outweigh the risks. I've picked up a few tips for selecting supplements which I have found helpful. They are listed below.

- Avoid websites that make outrageous claims like "reverses aging", "cures cancer" or "lose weight fast". While resveratrol holds much promise, these claims are not true. Do your own homework to find out the truth about resveratrol.

* Avoid the myriad of "free trial" offers unless prices and terms are clearly stated. Once the trial has ended, many of these sites typically charge several times
more for their products than other reputable sources.

* If the website doesnt disclose ingredients, don't buy it! Resveratrol products are not equal. The only biologically active form is "trans-resveratrol". Look
for the amount of trans-resveratrol on the label. Many of the "free-trial" sites don't detail the ingredients of their products.

* Mega-doses are linked to side effects. The FDA hasnt issued any guidance on resveratrol. As little as 20mg of trans-resveratrol has proven to be
effective in some studies. Over 500mg is considered to be a heavy dose. Mega-dose side effects include nervousness and joint pain. For the most part however,
resveratrol appears safe.

* A spectrum of synergistic components can make resveratrol more effective. In the same way that wine incorporates a number of natural compounds including resveratrol, some studies indicate that vitamin c, d, quercitin, silymarin, ferulic acid, IP6 and possibly others can increase resveratrol effectiveness. Look for supplements that incorporate a blend of synergisitic ingredients.

* Discuss any new supplement regimine with your doctor. Resveratrol appears relatively safe but side effects have been reported. - 30246

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The Donut Crew

By Ron Knowles

The chatter was noisy around the table this past Friday as we were eating out weekly ration of donuts. Trying to focus on one conversation was difficult but when someone brought up the subject of Oregon's unemployment it was like being in outer space, it got so quiet. We're experiencing over twelve percent joblessness in Oregon overall with outlying counties well over that number. I can't figure out why this state is always one of the first to get hit the hardest and one of the last to recover.

Consisting entirely of seniors, the donut crew as we call ourselves, are not immune to what I refer to as the Socialistic policies of the Obama administration and how it's destroying our economy. I realize at this juncture that who we voted for is water under the bridge and exactly who is responsible for the job losses and high prices remains unknown. What we do know is that we're all Americans and we all feel the results.

Maria usually sits on my right. She's the matriarch of the donut crew. At 85 she has a very good federal retirement which allows her to have a landscaper do her yard, travel when she wants and basically enjoy a trouble-free life. The subject of the economy interests her a lot though, because her three boys with their families all live in California which is in real trouble right now.

Pete sat on my left. He's in his seventies, has some disorder that causes him to shake a lot yet doesn't let it affect his great sense of humor. He seems to ignore the economic plight of our country as he says he can't do anything about it anyway. Across the table, his wife Doris looks worried. They've already had to sell their home because it was too much to afford and now they live in an apartment. What with Pete's health I'm sure she wonders what will become of her when he passes away.

Then there was Bob and his wife Paula at the table. Bob is a diabetic who recently had stomach surgery. He's in his mid-sixties and officially retired, as is his wife, also in her sixties. But Bob still does accounting and taxes for small companies and organizations to bring in extra money. They're not immune to the economic pinch, either..

As for myself, I'm sixty-six and supposedly retired, too. Funny how people automatically think when you look a certain age or they know you've actually reached that age you can kick back and enjoy your silver years. Well, stop the presses! Here's a news flash! Not all of us can. Quite candidly, I predict that not many people will be able to from here on out if things continue as they are.

Take me for example; I write articles. This is one of many that I have published all over the Internet. This is how I can still make a living. I can't survive on Social Security income and I don't have a pension. I'm not complaining but this is what I do and will continue to do until I can't anymore.

This coming Friday the donut crew will no doubt seat themselves around the table again and chatter about whatever is on their minds. Life will continue, I suppose until one of us, some of us and eventually all of us pass into eternity. Until then however, our small group of seniors represent a microcosm of folks who are pretty much non-existent to most folks in this country. Who cares, really how this sabotaged economy is affecting us?

I find it interesting how politicians become so concerned about seniors at election time. They'll promise everything they can for us when it's not theirs to promise. Their rhetoric is convincing, slick and attracts the votes of so many gullible, trusting seniors. But when they're voted into office they're not to be found and their promises fade to dust just as the politicians know that those seniors who elected them will soon do. But no matter, our politicians know there's a whole new crop of seniors that should be just about ready to be manipulated during the next election cycle. - 30246

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About Natural Moisturisers, Skin Cancer, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate And Mice.

By Peter Geraldson

Chances are you use a moisturizer every day. It's a good idea to take care of your skin and there's hundreds of different anti aging skin care products available. However it may be news to you that many skin care products, such as moisturizers which contain chemical ingredients like sodium lauryl sulphate, may be putting your health at risk, and that there are powerful reasons to use a natural moisturizer.

Sodium lauryl sulphate is an excellent degreaser. Mechanics use it to degrease engines and it is also found in many soaps and shampoos. More and more consumers are becoming aware that soaps and shampoos with sodium lauryl sulphate are not good.

What is less well known is that there are many moisturizers which also contain sodium lauryl sulphate as well as a range of other chemical ingredients, many of which are known to cause cancer.

There was a study done on mice reported in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. In this study the scientists were looking to understand better the effects of caffeine on mice. As part of the study a number of moisturizers were applied to the skin of the mice 5 times a day for 17 weeks and the mice also received some UV radiation to simulate sunlight.

The moisturizers used in the study all contained sodium lauryl sulphate as well as other chemical and petrochemical ingredients such as mineral oil.

The researchers were surprised to discover that the mice exhibited an increase in the risk of skin cancer and an increase in skin tumors of 69 percent.

So they decided to study this again using a moisturizer with no sodium lauryl sulphate or mineral oil. And they found that this time there was no increase in the risk of skin cancer to the mice.

Maybe now you're starting to see a link between sodium lauryl sulphate and moisturizers and skin cancer and perhaps you're beginning to consider that you may be better advised to think about purchasing a natural moisturizer next time you're looking for good anti aging skin care products.

Or maybe you've just thrown away the moisturizer you have in the cupboard now.

It's sad to say but there are many chemical and petrochemical ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulphate mineral oil used in so many of the big brand-name anti aging skin care products that you may take for granted and use every day. There are excellent and very safe natural ingredients which are well known to make excellent natural moisturizers. For example there are many oils from fruits and nuts which work well as natural moisturizers. But the big brand-name companies rarely use these because chemicals like sodium lauryl sulphate are much cheaper.

And there are some outstanding natural moisturizers on the market. They use ingredients which are known to be safe and will not put you at risk of skin cancer. One company in particular makes an outstanding range of natural skin care products and chances are you've never even heard of it. None of their products contain sodium lauryl sulphate or any other known harmful ingredients.

It's time to junk those big name anti aging skin care products which use cheap chemical ingredients that put your health at risk. And it's time to look for natural alternatives such as high quality natural moisturizers which work well and do not put you at risk of skin cancer.

Find out more about these natural anti aging products on my website. - 30246

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Is There Really A Way I Can Look Younger?

By Trevor Johnson

We all want to look younger, yet we continually ask ourselves "How can I look younger?", and never seem to take the time to do anything about it. Our main calling card to the world is obviously our face. It's the first thing people see when they meet us, and the last thing they remember when we leave. This being the case, it would make sense then that it should be the most important thing we should worry about when we are trying to look younger?

If you have already gotten crows feet, then you need to take steps to diminish them. The first thing to do is to wash your face every morning and night with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. This will thoroughly clean your skin, reduce the size of your pores, & leave your skin fresh and oil free. After cleansing your skin you then want to apply a face moisturizer. This will keep your face smooth, shiny looking, and at the same time will rehydrate the skin so it starts to renew itself.

Now the final step to making one look younger is by far the most important! You need to buy a very good eye cream. Eye creams are specifically for the area around the eye, and they are not cheap! Once purchased, a good eye cream is to be put on after you have cleansed your face & applied your moisturizer. Simply dab a dime size amount onto your two (index is fine) fingers & apply directly on the crows feet area in a gentle, upward sweeping motion. Never just rub it in, for you want to dab it on so it stays close to the surface giving you maximum protection.

Getting in the habit of performing this small yet very important routine will, after time, start to diminish those lines around your eyes, thus making you start to look younger. The time it usually takes to start seeing results is about a week and a half to two weeks. Please be very diligent in performing the process. Remember what they say - no pain, no gain!

Continuing to perform this ritual every morning and night will vastly decrease the lines around your eyes and get you on your way to answering the question of how you can look younger! Also remember, once you start to see results, keep it up! There's no point in getting the look you want if you're just going to drop the ball and have to start all over.

Age is something we cannot run from, but with age comes wisdom! A little thing like looking younger will do a lot for you and your quality of living, so do yourself a favor and get started today. Once you start to see results you'll learn to actually enjoy the process because you know what the outcomes going to be. - 30246

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Quality Guaranteed Skin Care With Organic Night Cream Reviewed

By Tawanfa Farikan

One of the best ways to find out about skin products is to read organic night cream reviewed articles. It is important to educate yourself regarding taking care of your skin and with so much hype around, how do you know you are getting a product which will help you to get the best possible results?

A good skin care product should be able to reduce the appearance of bags and fine lines around the eyes and make the rest of the skin appear firm, smooth and more radiant. The improvement in the appearance of the facial skin will make you look younger.

Learning to avoid certain ingredients is just as important as learning to recognize the ingredients which should be in a skin care product, organic night creams reviewed will teach you how to recognize these. One item to be avoided at all costs is "mineral oil", this stops the skin breathing naturally. If the skin cannot breathe, it cannot protect itself and get rid of toxins. Other ingredients to avoid include fragrances, dioxane or any members of this family, alcohol and parabens.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it protects all the other organs from toxins, bacteria and other damaging pathogens. Anything you apply to it is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin. Chemical absorption level can be high if you think that skin products are applied to the entire surface of the body.

The products which are good for your skin depend on you becoming a well-educated and informed consumer. So now that we have discussed the ingredients you need to avoid, let's take a look at what ingredients you should look out for and should be included in your products.

You cannot replace elastin and collagen, it is impossible, and loss of this production is what ages the skin. You have to feed your skin with products which will stimulate new growth of elastin and collagen. In organic night cream reviewed you have to look for high levels of active ingredients such as Phytessence Wakame, Cynergy TK, and CoQ10. - 30246

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Is Alzheimer's And Hypertension Interrelated?

By Scott Davis

You are going to get astonished to know the truth that the American Heart Association reports that 73 million, which is about one third of adult Americans, suffer from hypertension. Two million children and teenagers are also suffering from high blood pressure. When the force of blood flow circulates abnormally through the arteries, the person is said to be suffering from high blood pressure. Genetic inheritance, high salt consumption or thickenings of arterial walls are the major reasons behind this.

Hypertension increases the chances of heart failure, stroke and aneurysm. Researchers also found that high blood pressure tend to open door for Alzheimer's disease by reducing blood flow in brain.

Dr. Cyrus Raji of the Pittsburgh University, who is co-author of the research paper regarding this, explains that high blood pressure does not directly cause Alzheimer but the way it harms the brain that increases the chances of developing it. In a way, hypertension prepares a stage for this deadly ailment to appear.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was used by the research team members to measure the blood flow in the brain. In the case of hypertension patients the MRI machine showed that the flow of blood is low in the brain. In the case of patients with both blood pressure and Alzheimer's, the blood flow was even lower.

Researchers came to this point that good vascular health is good for the brain as well. As described by co-author Dr. Oscar Lopez, of Pittsburgh University, it is essential to detect and treat blood pressure for Alzheimer's patients.

As described by Dr. Raji, the way high blood pressure reduces the normal blood flow volume in brain actually is responsible for brain disease like Alzheimer's. The two could be complementing each other.

Though high blood pressure is not directly responsible for Alzheimer's dieses, but it makes the brain more susceptible for it and can bring in other disorders related to memory, thinking, language and concentration. One never knows which direction a situation could move with a more morbid brain.

It's a common practice to put the blame on ageing, but in reality the environment and life style of individuals are the major causes. It is possible to maintain a restricted life style and stay out of the reach of these dieses. With a small change in life style you can stay fit and avoid these diseases.

So start with a healthy and fat less diet from today. Avoid large meal. Make a habit of having small meals of healthy food. It is a good habit to consume lots of fruits and vegetables. Another good practice is eating less meat. Sodium consumption should be minimized and for that you have to say no to process food as they are biggest source of sodium. Take small quantity of homemade food or fruits/ vegetables after every three/fours. Less consumption of fatty and salty food can help you to fight these diseases.

Regular exercise is the only way to stay healthy. One needs to get in to physical, mental and spiritual workouts in a regular basis. For this you don't need to go for extensive programs or spend huge. It is recommended to exercise intelligently and to a definite plan. Following special schedules and specific exercise for hypertension and Alzheimer's would make one live a long and healthy life. - 30246

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Are There Good Reasons Why You Should Use A Natural Moisturizer?

By Peter Albertonach

There is one fast-growing segment of the anti aging skin care market and that is natural skin care products. This includes natural moisturizers and there are strong reasons for this movement away from mainstream skin care products. Natural skin care products are both safer and more effective than so many of the well known brands. Lets examine why you should consider a natural moisturizer.

Modern skin care products including many well-known moisturizers and other anti aging products contain petrochemical and chemical ingredients. A good ingredient to highlight is mineral oil.

Mineral oil comes from crude oil and is a petrochemical product which is found in hundreds if not thousands of moisturizers. If you search the cosmetic safety database you'll find that mineral oil is linked to allergies and immunotoxicity, cancer, skin irritation and bioaccumulation and more. The one reason mineral oil is used in so many anti aging products is because it is extremely cheap.

It has no moisturizing properties and it is simply intended that it coat skin with a thin film of oil thereby preventing moisture loss. Whilst this is effective it also exposes the user to the health concerns previously mentioned and clogs the pores of the skin increasing the risk of acne and reducing the ability of the skin to eliminate toxins through the pores.

There are many naturally occurring ingredients which are excellent natural moisturizers. Olive oil, macadamia nut oil and shea butter are all natural moisturizers but they are rarely found in mainstream anti aging skin care products because they are far more expensive than chemical ingredients such as mineral oil.

What I have previously outlined is gradually becoming much more well known and this is why there is a growing and powerful movement away from chemical and petrochemical laden skin care products towards more natural alternatives which use safer and more effective natural ingredients.

Some consumers are choosing to source these natural moisturizers and are using them in their raw state. Whilst some are available in their raw state some are not, and that can be messy and awkward to make up your own facial moisturizer or body moisturizer in this way.

But there are companies, usually small niche skin care company, which recognise the opportunity in this problem and who choose to manufacture natural skin care products with known safe and effective natural ingredients. These companies produce excellent products such as natural moisturizers which are very effective.

However if these natural ingredients are very expensive should we not conclude that the products in which they are used are also very expensive? That in fact is not the case. There is one simple reason. These small companies choose to direct their budget towards product quality rather than towards marketing. They do not advertise on television and therefore do not need to factor the cost of television advertising into the price of the product and are therefore able to produce a price competitive product. Often they include a money back guarantee.

So as you can see there are very strong reasons for this powerful and growing movement away from chemical laden anti aging skin care products advertised on TV. The movement is towards natural skin care products which are both safe and effective to use.

However because the companies that make these products are small niche companies, and because they do not advertise, it is quite common that consumers are unaware that these products exist. However when they do discover these ranges of natural skin care products, and when they try the products and discover their effectiveness, they are routinely surprised and usually become a customer for life.

So if you're looking for an all natural moisturizer the good news is that there are excellent natural skin moisturizers available. To find out where to locate these products visit my website. - 30246

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Is There Mineral Oil In Moisturizers? And If So Is This Good Or Bad?

By Peter Albertonach

If you use a moisturizer right now is there mineral oil in it? Should there be mineral oil in moisturizers, and if there shouldn't why not?

Mineral oil is a petrochemical product, which means that it is derived from crude oil. It is a by-product of the process used to create petroleum products and can also be called white oil. It is used so extensively in anti aging skin care products and cosmetics because it is very cheap.

It may surprise you to know that many ingredients in big brand skin care products are also derived from oil.

According to the Cosmetic Safety Database mineral oil is used extensively in skin care products, anti aging products and cosmetics. It lists 454 different moisturizers that contain mineral oil, so chances are very high that the moisturizer that you use will have mineral oil in it.

And if you have a baby you'd know mineral oil really well, though it's called baby oil, which is 100% mineral oil with a fragrance added.

And there's more from the Cosmetic Safety Database. They say that mineral oil is linked to allergies, cancer, toxicity in biological systems in the body and irritation of lungs, eyes and skin.

And as well as all that mineral oil has also been linked to other skin problems including acne. It is suspected of causing skin problems because when used on the skin it forms a thin layer on the surface and this clogs the pores and stops the skin breathing, and releasing toxins.

And some people also blame mineral oil in moisturizers and other skin care products with premature aging.

But like all these things none of this if firmly proven and there is debate, and the big cosmetics companies and skin care companies maintain that it is perfectly safe and works well.

So for anyone worried about mineral oil in moisturizes what should they do? Well the bottom line is that if the moisturizer works for them thats a good place to start. There are highly priced skin care products that do very little, so if youre happy with your skin care products thats good.

I suspect that many women continue using their skin care products even though they do very little because they have come to expect very little and so arent being disappointed. And if you're paying a lot I personally believe that you ought to be seeing good results that both you and others notice.

And if you really are seriously worried about using moisturizers with mineral oil try using some high quality natural skin care products that contain no mineral oil at all. See how they work for you, remember you ought to see visible results, not just take it on trust.

The best natural skin care products are made by a small niche natural skin care product manufacturer. The best thing about their products is that they offer you a full money back guarantee, so you can try the products risk free.

So if you aren't convinced about how well they are working for you then you can return them for a refund. Very few return them, if they did there wouldn't be any guarantee.

But I have to say that if you're seriously worried about mineral oil in moisturizers and cosmetics and skin care products the jury is out. There is no conclusive evidence either way, though there are many who won't use products containing mineral oil. And many who believe that as well as being unsafe it also doesn't work very well.

I cover natural skin care products in much more depth on my website. - 30246

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Can Hypoallergenic Skin Care Products And Non Comedogenic Skin Care Products Just Be A Con?

By Peter Geraldson

Anyone who's had an allergic reaction to anti aging skin care products would be forgiven for looking for hypoallergenic skin care products. Similarly anyone who's had their acne exacerbated by modern skin care products would also be forgiven for looking for non comedogenic anti aging products.

The reason for this is that almost all anti aging skin care products contain petrochemical and chemical ingredients that have health implications and can produce allergies and skin reactions in many people and they can also contain ingredients such as mineral oil which clogs pores and leads to acne.

There is no formal definition of what hypoallergenic skin care means or what non comedogenic skin care means and even if you find skin care and anti aging products labelled as hypoallergenic skin care or non comedogenic skin care there is no guarantee that they really are.

This is because the FDA is not required to examine any claims made on the labels of anti aging skin care products. The industry is entirely self regulated and as a result there is no requirement that any manufacturer prove any claims that it makes on the labels of its products.

So you can see there are powerful reasons to find good hypoallergenic skin products and non comedogenic skin products and you can also see the problem and the reasons to be suspicious. You should not believe claims made on the labels of any skin care products, they may contain all the same chemical ingredients as any others.

So if you've had an allergic reaction from an anti aging moisturizer for example, how do you successfully find a good hypoallergenic moisturizer if this is the case?

Rather than examine the label you must find a manufacturer of skin care products that clearly commits itself to the safety of the products that it manufactures.

There are a number of companies, one especially, that publicly evidences a corporate philosophy and a commitment to producing natural skin care products which use high quality natural ingredients which are known safe and do not produce allergies. There is an organisation called the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and it is possible on their website to sign a compact that publicly commits the company to producing products with only known safe ingredients.

And there are also companies, again one in particular, that strive to make it clear on their website that the safety of all of their products is superior to all other considerations.

This one company produces a range of natural skin care products that are, strangely, not labeled as hypoallergenic or non comedogenic at all, though they are.

In other words if you're searching for safe skin care products you need to go beyond believing what is written on the label of the products and look at the corporate philosophy of the company that makes the products to find evidence of their commitment to producing safe products.

And usually you will find that a company that commits itself to making totally safe products will also make the highest quality skin care products available.

To find out which company has such a publicly stated commitment to product safety and makes the finest hypoallergenic and non comedogenic skin care products get over to my website. - 30246

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