About Natural Moisturisers, Skin Cancer, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate And Mice.

By Peter Geraldson

Chances are you use a moisturizer every day. It's a good idea to take care of your skin and there's hundreds of different anti aging skin care products available. However it may be news to you that many skin care products, such as moisturizers which contain chemical ingredients like sodium lauryl sulphate, may be putting your health at risk, and that there are powerful reasons to use a natural moisturizer.

Sodium lauryl sulphate is an excellent degreaser. Mechanics use it to degrease engines and it is also found in many soaps and shampoos. More and more consumers are becoming aware that soaps and shampoos with sodium lauryl sulphate are not good.

What is less well known is that there are many moisturizers which also contain sodium lauryl sulphate as well as a range of other chemical ingredients, many of which are known to cause cancer.

There was a study done on mice reported in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. In this study the scientists were looking to understand better the effects of caffeine on mice. As part of the study a number of moisturizers were applied to the skin of the mice 5 times a day for 17 weeks and the mice also received some UV radiation to simulate sunlight.

The moisturizers used in the study all contained sodium lauryl sulphate as well as other chemical and petrochemical ingredients such as mineral oil.

The researchers were surprised to discover that the mice exhibited an increase in the risk of skin cancer and an increase in skin tumors of 69 percent.

So they decided to study this again using a moisturizer with no sodium lauryl sulphate or mineral oil. And they found that this time there was no increase in the risk of skin cancer to the mice.

Maybe now you're starting to see a link between sodium lauryl sulphate and moisturizers and skin cancer and perhaps you're beginning to consider that you may be better advised to think about purchasing a natural moisturizer next time you're looking for good anti aging skin care products.

Or maybe you've just thrown away the moisturizer you have in the cupboard now.

It's sad to say but there are many chemical and petrochemical ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulphate mineral oil used in so many of the big brand-name anti aging skin care products that you may take for granted and use every day. There are excellent and very safe natural ingredients which are well known to make excellent natural moisturizers. For example there are many oils from fruits and nuts which work well as natural moisturizers. But the big brand-name companies rarely use these because chemicals like sodium lauryl sulphate are much cheaper.

And there are some outstanding natural moisturizers on the market. They use ingredients which are known to be safe and will not put you at risk of skin cancer. One company in particular makes an outstanding range of natural skin care products and chances are you've never even heard of it. None of their products contain sodium lauryl sulphate or any other known harmful ingredients.

It's time to junk those big name anti aging skin care products which use cheap chemical ingredients that put your health at risk. And it's time to look for natural alternatives such as high quality natural moisturizers which work well and do not put you at risk of skin cancer.

Find out more about these natural anti aging products on my website. - 30246

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